The Sister Guide

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3 years ago

Is double-texting always a no-no? When is it allowed 😂

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Of course it’s allowed LMAO if they conversation is flowing and its engaging, double text all you want to. But if he is giving cold replies, or not asking anything back. That’s when you fall back, so read the room a little bit.

3 years ago

this might sound weird, but do you think I should wait until I’ve “glo’d up” to put myself out there, like lost weight etc or do factors like that not matter?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Whenever you feel your best self, is when you should go out there. So if that means taking time out to glow up, do that. Because ultimately it’s going to boost your confidence, and makes people more attractive to that regardless of how you look. You could be buff as hell, but if you have no confidence, its dead.

3 years ago

I’ve lost my passion for life. For a while I even hated praying and stopped. I feel so drained. I feel so tired. It feels like constant trials. I don’t know what to do. I’ve started to hate my relationship and my family and friends. I’m supposed to get married next year and just want to burn my current life away, live alone somewhere. Have you got any advice on how to get out of this state?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

First and foremost, you need to return to prayer, do as much as you can. Because that will at least provide a foundation for what you need to do next.

I would advise you to go to your GP to talk about this with. I know depression is a taboo subject, but you need to go to your doctor regarding your mental health. I would honestly also look into which forms of treatment you think is best, if you do have depression. Theres counselling but theres also medication. Before I used to think medication was really unnecessary, but watching it from a 3rd perspective, it really changed my cousins life. I think it took 2 months for there to be a noticeable change but yeah, she was really happy and at least when she was feeling down, it was more manageable. it wasn’t like an overwhelming feeling. You should definitely research more regarding treatments.

But also, too, I think everyone is losing the passion for life right now. I genuinely feel like this is a direct consequence over COVID and also it happens to be during the time thats the most vital in our lives. We are all adjusting to adulthood but not in the way we can actually benefit from anything. Sometimes it can feel like what is even the point of life but you just got to appreciate the small things man. Find joy in what we can and romanticise the hell out of life.

3 years ago

I (22F) have liked the same person since I was 16. Long story short, I really liked this guy when I was 16 and also found out that he liked me. We had a talking stage and got to know eachother however, we drifted apart a couple months later. I then found out he started dating another girl then subsequently broke up with her a year after our talking stage.

Right now he’s studying abroad and I haven’t seen or spoken to him in 4 years. I still really like him and always compare people to him. I don’t know what to do because he’s the only person I want.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

You’ve turned this guy you met when you were 16 into something he is not. You’ve made him more special in your head. He was 16, you haven’t connected with him since. You’re 22 now and you are still romanticising him. You see far too much potential in this guy and are not seeing them in reality, because if you did, you’d probably realise he is definitely not the guy you remember anymore. And he’s probably not even that great in reality.

I realised a lot of girls that don’t have a lot of dating experience do this. And tbh I definitely was like this with my first crush, and then when I got him, he was nothing like how I’d imagine him to be. I was so disappointed. So yeah it’s normal. However, don’t take it too far. It’s fun to have a pretend life with a crush but don’t create this fantasy man and feel shattered when it doesn’t pan out. It was never even a real person. Focus on building relationships with people you have access to in real time.

3 years ago

Hi, I came across this and thought why not give it a try. I have been speaking to someone for 1 year and a half now. I’m having doubts about our compatibility and if I should continue this relationship or whatever it is. He’s extremely nice and kind but romance does not come easy to him. He’s not romantic and not proactive with dates in the way I want. I have already formed such an attachment to him but I’m not sure if it’s right to continue down this line if i want romance and affection and those things are so hard for him. My love languages and his don’t align and he does try but it’s not enough for me. I don’t feel 100% fulfilled. I have a feeling that if we continue our next steps would be thinking about marriage but should I get married to someone who isn’t romantic and affectionate and love me with my love languages ?? I have a feeling I know the answer but what do you think? Is this worth it?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Even though you guys are together, dating is highly individual and people have different needs and expectations. So you always have to make that known. For example, at the beginning of my relationships, I made it clear I liked to be romanced. And my energy would get even better depending on how much I’ve been romanced. I think that also comes with being demanding, sometimes I can be bossy in my normal day to day life, so although I’m quite submission in relationships- I still make it clear I like so and so, and I want you to get it for me. Also I might say “I want this perfume can you get it for me?”. If you’re in a relationship with someone, make it clear what you want.

My thing is, water me and I water you. If you respond to my love languages, I’ll respond to yours. The problem is with most girls, they do everything they can to make a happy pleased with them, but rarely get anything back. Even the simple things like affection. Try to be more demanding, and communicate exactly what you want.

3 years ago

What do you feel like is the best things about marriage?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Every time I come home from work or from being out for a while, he gives me the best greeting ever. He could be in the middle of cooking, watching tv, playing a game, or on the phone, and he’d stop everything he’s doing to give me the biggest hug and kisses. Like I could have the worst day ever and all that would just melt away as soon as I see how excited he gets to see me. When you’ve lived with just you, and your parents are away quite often, small things like that mean so much. Makes home feel like home.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

The best thing about marriage for me is that I get to see my best friend every day. Simply waking up in the morning and having that one person that makes every day easier there is such an amazing feeling. It’s the endless cuddles and kisses you get when you see your husband. Around him, I can just be me and I know he loves me unconditionally regardless of the mood I am in. After a long day of work and my husband comes home his face instantly lights up because he’s greeted with so much excitement from our son and just seeing both their faces light up warms my heart. I feel so complete when we have those family cuddles every day.

3 years ago

I have seen this guy on social media and he is too cute and lives in the same city but I have never run into him…now how do I get him to notice me? I’m way too shy and shooting my shot thru dms is something I dont see myself doing.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Interact with him on the timeline, like his tweets, respond to him etc, build up something there. Then if he’s feeling you to, he might send you a dm

3 years ago

Before I used to think it was a bit hilarious that people would ask advice from you, you have only been married less than a year but after some of your submissions ngl im sold. because im anonymous I can admit to lowkey hating

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Haha no hard feelings. I am glad I’ve converted you loooool don’t forget to like comment and subscribeeeeeee

3 years ago

Hey sisters!
I just need a bit of advice. I’ve been on muzmatch for about a year now and have had little to no hope! Most of the guys I have met on there have suggested during the courting stage that when we get married they would expect or want 50/50 or 70/30 or some sort of contribution to live a more comfortable life. Which doesn’t make sense to me. That for me is a major turn off as I am strong on my stance of not supporting him in providing as that is his responsibility/right/duty. Am I being too harsh? A lot of guys I’ve met during my venture have also been on incomes between 24-40k. Should a MAN even discuss that with me? I mean in cases of emergencies I am willing to contribute as it would be selfish not too however, I’m genuinely stuck?! Maybe I’ve just not met the right men💀
Now where the hell do I find MEN who won’t ask for my coins ugh 😭🤦‍♀️Should I drop it a little and settle idk.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Any man asking you how much money you have or how much you’re willing to contribute has no shame for me. Especially seeing as this is all first impressions. Now if you were together together. The correct term would have been “How much are you comfortable with to contribute?” – let you decide what you wanna do.

There are genuinely guys out there who wouldn’t even imagine asking women these type of things. Everytime you come across those that do, take a little note of it and move on with someone else.

3 years ago

Hi Sis,

I met this guy 3 months ago. We both live in Ohio. He is the same age as me and he is currently studying his post graduate at a prestigious school, whilst he works part time at a fast food chain. In the meantime, he does not have a green card yet but he has papers to study and he is from Somalia. In my case, I work at a tech company and Alhamdulilah I earn a good living. The guy has great qualities such as being trustworthy, caring, ambitious and loving. However, he lives in a student dorm, so currently no house/apartment or income that matches me. I can sense that he is aiming to propose in the coming weeks – do you think I should say yes? Girl, help a sister out!

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Let me get this straight.

You have met this guy 3 months ago, He is in that country on a VISA, and he is trying to propose to you? THAT’S SUSPICIOUS. THATS WEIRD.
I hope you are using double birth control so he doesn’t try to get you pregnant then force you into marriage. If he wasn’t trying to get a visa, in the event of that happening, he will definitely get one then.

Say no sis. In fact ask when his visa is running out.

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