The Sister Guide

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3 years ago

my weddings coming up and i’m on a huge weight loss plan cuz i want to be snatched how did u prepare for ur wedding and wedding night lol i’m really having major anxiety over this

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

I tried the whole losing weight before but i didn’t lose much. I was too stressed and usually two months before your wedding is when you have to pick what hormonal contraception you’re taking, and girl you will retain any weight you want to lose when you start that. But luckily, I was building a lot of muscle. I went to 3 BodyPump classes a week and I did this for my pictures, not for my husband LOL. Men don’t care so I wouldn’t fuss. Unless they are ciyaal suuq who watch naked white women on the internet all day, then good luck mate.

Also leading up to the day, ask advice from your married friends. They have all been in your position

3 years ago

how to prepare for a first date 🤭😭😭

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Wear something flattering, something you feel confident in. Initiate conversation, make someone feel more interesting than they are. Flatter the person you’re on a date with. Don’t compliment physical features aside from style. Instead, try to compliment them on stuff they talk about, and don’t overdo it. Compliment choices and actions, not genetics. Hold eye contact, don’t be a wimp. And just smile

3 years ago

Thankyou I’ll take your advice I’m in year 2 and I’m just worrying a bit because 55% seemed low compared to my friends and I want a high 2:1 or first <3

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Don’t worry, you’ll get there. May Allah make it easy for you!

3 years ago

Btw sis am so impressed with this page! But my question is, I am newly married. 3 months to be exact and wallah I am not sure I made the right decision. I feel like I don’t have my own space or my own time. I am constantly trying to save face, me and my husband werent together for that long before we got married (less than a year). And now it is just very hard for me to settle in. My husband is noticing how quiet I’ve been lately and I wanted to ask, does it get better? I know this feeling isn’t normal but I just don’t know who to ask. Because if I ask people, they will just laugh at me but i know a lot of girls feel this way

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

You know what, I have tried to tell people this. If you love your space, and are used to it, do not rush and get married. Especially when you haven’t been with something long enough. Your space is valuable and it should take a lot of you to hand it over because there is no such thing as space when you get married. And that is the reality. But honestly, what you’re feeling is totally normal. Its marriage blues. Whenever something big changes in your life, you are bound to feel uncomfortable, or feel like maybe you rushed into this decision. It’s kind of like when new mums get baby blues right? When you have had a super big wedding and you went through hell and back planning it. And then all of a sudden, all this preparation is over in one night? And that’s when real life begins, real regular life? Mate. For some people, it feels anti-climax. Because they were too focused on getting married, then what life will look like actually being married. Right now anyway, this is where the real commitment begins. You are only 3 months in baby, you got a long way to go. Marriage is hard work, you learn about yourself and the person you’re with. You definitely won’t get better mopping around, you can’t feel sorry for yourself. It’s too early. The first 6 months are the most important, because it really is what gels you guys together. So just spend it getting to know each other, and if you want space, just say that. Some days, ask for him to go out so you can invite your friends over. Honestly its not that bad, I tell my husband this all the time LOOOL. It’s what makes a healthy marriage and a happier wife 🙂

3 years ago

Any tips on getting a first I’m getting 55% and its quite demoralising because I try really hard

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Look at every single one of your essays, look at the mark scheme. Look at what they are asking you to do. There’s no point writing what you think is best because ultimately it is the lecturer that is marking the work, so find out exactly what they want. And then email them! I did that for every single essay, I would even get some lecturers to look at a cheeky draft. Communication is key, make a plan and send it off. Also make a list of everything coming up and calculate what you need to get in order to get your desired grade. Thats what I did. Literally at the start of 3rd year, I printed out all my modules and the assignments, and made sure I calculated what I needed to get in every single essay. And it worked.

3 years ago

100%. I’ve always been a person took never go for looks because I know someones personality can make them attractive. But every time this man would do or say something that would give me a slight ick, I would just think “bro you’re actually a deadting calm down” and I know thats bad dont judge me…. But I guess thats my answer haha

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Yeah she is not attracted to this man Your Honor!

3 years ago

Is it odd that I find it very uncomfortable that this guy follows bare girls (some that also don’t follow him back) & also has a couple of female friends. Should that be a red flag?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

To me, yes, that is a red flag. There is a certain type of exclusivity I want when it comes to a man I am with. This whole female friends malarky is bullshit, and I’m telling you its a set up. Because those same female friends who had no interest in your man before you were in the picture, will come out the woodworks the second you start dating him. And they will do nothing but interfere! I honestly find that so childish for a man to have female friends. For us muslims, its very different, in no circumstance should a man need to be friends with a girl. As someone who used to have quote unquote non-female friends, it is problematic end of. You benefit nothing. Also following too many girls just makes you come across too accessible for me I’ll be honest. Its not cute.

3 years ago

Opinions on people doing live spells on men they want to be with

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

???? Nigga that’s Shirk

3 years ago

Do you think well to do men use Twitter to find partners? ironically the men I like the most seem to use the app the least 😭 how on earth do we get their attention/ strategically position?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Why wouldn’t they tbh, when you go on twitter, generally you are spoilt for choice. All the girls on here are beauts. But the problem is men who use twitter are chatty patties and it looks weird. So when they move to people on here, it just feels strange. The best male twitter accounts I think are those that just tweet about politics/coding/markets LMAO and its because they’re not out here being jobless. I guess if you’re trying to peak someone’s interest without doing too much, respond to a tweet you have a similar interest in and just make conversation. Do not fucking DM. Do you hear me?

3 years ago

How long before you realise you see someone ourely platonically rather than romantically? I went on a date w an old friend after speaking for a week (with romantic intentions) and just couldn’t see it becoming romantic. He did EVERYTHING correct, planned the whole date, paid for everything, complimented, respectful, made me laugh. But the only time I was thinking I’m literally not attracted to you. So I ended it the next day on the basis that we are purely friends. Not sure if I should have given it more time or just left it at that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Being attracted to someone is usually the ultimate indicator for me if I’m going to pursue something. But you know what, attraction is different for everybody and you need to actually sit down and ask yourself: what do I actually find attractive? sometimes attraction grooms overtime honestly. Because a person can be really attractive, and then they lose that appeal the second they give you the ick. The moment they do something weird, or say something misogynistic. And its vice versa. A person you’re not initially attracted to, might do something or act in away that actually makes you interested in them. His manners, being really gentlemanly or just being a good man can make someone 10 times more attractive I swear. As you get older anyway being 10/10 becomes less important to you, as long as you are attracted to this person and their personality. Nothing else really matters.

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