Lula here, although I appreciate the advice regarding what religious backing I should include in my answers. This is simply not the place for it. There are so many places you can go to if you want a religious perspective, and unfortunately I am not qualified to do so. I’m really not. It’s too much pressure for me and I don’t want to talk about something when I’m not knowledgeable enough, so stop forcing me. Because if I do say something incorrect you will chastise me like theres no tomorrow. It’s already started with the “You don’t even wear a hijab.”
So in the words of Shamima Begum “Okay then.”
All you can do is make dua for me that one day I actually do become knowledgeable enough but for now, I’ll do what I can.
Also this is not the aim of this website. It’s for girls who want AN OLDER SISTER. This is a judgement FREE ZONE. It’s not a sister circle. It’s not a place where you can’t be honest and not share anything out of shame. We encourage openness for a reason. We did this to literally combat loneliness that most of us experience because we can’t say the things we want. Messaging in stuff like “you should tell the girls messaging in to not be so candid when writing their stories” – I’m sorry but this goes completely against the whole point of what we are trying to do here. If you want people to be secretive then this is not the place for you. There are other platforms. Stop trying to change where this is going to suit you. If its not for you, it’s not for YOU.
Final thing, all opinions are our OWN. We don’t pretend to be more knowledgeable on certain things (and we won’t), I am simply giving you my perspective and that’s it. You can literally take it or leave it.
But on a more positive note, for the girlies that love what we are trying to do here, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Our website hit 70k views this morning and it hasn’t even been 3 weeks. To all the girls messaging me, I love you guys so fucking much. Everyday I am more motivated to stick with this just for you guys. I am so happy that you guys finally have somewhere you can offload without being chastised for it and not feeling like you’re alone. That is why we’re doing this. And Inshallah I hope more can come from it, hopefully providing some opportunities for you guys to meet each other and make new friends.
More things to come baby! We got you!!