Written blog posts from Sisters across the globe…
My Toxic In-Laws
He doesn’t do anything a grown man should do outside of the finances. In my eyes they’re basic things that every human should be able to do. Babe he can’t even turn the heater on and he’s lived here 2 years. I’ve been married for 2 years now and honestly, I love my husband very…
My Father’s Ultimatum
How my Dad could that to me was so hurtful it forced me to see what I was brushing under the carpet. The way I lived meant that my bar was so low i had no expectations for a Husband. The men I went for never gave me a relationship I dreamt of but I…
How Money Ruined My Family
‘They created stories, people being sick, family members needing money, being homeless. All tricks to continue me giving money to them.‘ I read the sister guide often with the Mrs. At first she had to force me to read some dilemmas but I caved in with The Sisterverse. Big well done to you girls. I…