The Sister Guide

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1 year ago

Is it weird that I hide what my annual salary is from my friends?

1 year ago
Reply to  Anon

It could lead to unfavorable situations. You dont have to hide it, you just dont bring it up. It’s really not important for 99% of the relationships you have with people.

That said, I strongly support people sharing their salaries within the workplace. Secrecy around salary information benefits the employer far more than the employees.

1 year ago

I have been with my partner for awhile now and plan on getting married early next year Iā€™A. My family has known since the beginning and have not been supportive especially my mother. She throws negative comments at me about how he looks and that heā€™s still pursuing a degree while I finished school but he is financially stable and has a good job. I try my best to ignore the negative comments but it hurts me that my own mother isnā€™t happy for me. To the point itā€™s starting to take a toll on my mental health and making me doubt our relationshipā€¦ Iā€™m not sure what to do. Whenever I try to talk to her about it she doesnā€™t think sheā€™s wrong and says sheā€™s just expressing her opinion. I want my mom to be happy for me and I also want to be happy. What should I do?

1 year ago
Reply to  Anon

Realistically if people are able to put doubts in your head over minor things about how he looks and pursing a degree despite being financial stable than I think thatā€™s indicative of your readiness. Ultimately if this is the person you chose to be your husband, it shouldnā€™t matter what people say.

Of course I understand your reaction to this is even more heightened because of the fact this is your mum and you want her blessing. But Iā€™ll be real, mumzy is kinda chattin sh*t. Which is not exclusive to her btw, a lot of mums talk rubbish. Itā€™s in their job description.

Honestly just ignore her. If you were single sheā€™d have something to say, take it with a pinch of salt. She will get over it once you bring forth a grandchild LOL.

1 year ago

Me and my best friend been friends since we were children. We pretty much tell each other everything. Over the years I have learnt to keep my income, my marriage, my family private. Just a little a year ago I have mortgaged a house my best friend and her husband wanted to mortgage too. She asked me for details and I openly told her how and how much it was. Recently I was promoted my company and got a raise. (Which is so major) I shared it with my girls. The girls threw my a celebration dinner. As the night went on my best friend kept pushing me and LOUDLY asked me how much the raise was. I told her quietly how much it was, as I didnā€™t like talking about it in front of the other girls. After, she told everyone her new car is coming this weekend, (it was a car me and her always wanted) I was so excited for her and quietly said ā€œomg you have to tell me how much it was and who the dealership wasā€ she said LOUDLY ā€œI donā€™t like to talk about money and those thingsā€ I felt so embarrassed and just let it go. I have always kept my income, my marriage, my family private. However I saw her as my sister. I never ask her about her marriage or family matters or anything for that matter, but she shares it with me. I asked her one thing and she embarrassed me. What do you think?

1 year ago
Reply to  Anon

What I think?

Your friend has been measuring herself up against you for quite some time, and refused to tell you about the deal becauseā€¦ to her, youā€™ve been getting too big for your boots. You got a house, a raise and you told her numbers she had no business knowing. It doesnā€™t matter if you saw her as a sister, disparities in income can destroy any friendship. This one is no exception. She doesnā€™t want to tell you how much the car was because she knows you got the means to go get one straight away. How she knows that? Because you been telling her how far your money spreads.

Take this as a lesson. People always change. Changing one variable like money can and will cause a noticeable change in a friendā€™s behaviour and personality.

Never let anyone know the true extent of your wealth and location of all your assets, all of your accounts and so on. That information is for YOU and you alone. You never know whoā€™s gonnaā€™ f*ck you over, and when. Not your mother, not your father, not your children, not your brother, sister – nobody needs to know EVERYTHING youā€™ve got – and where you have it. Shit for some couples, depending on their set up, you might want to be careful too.

Donā€™t get me wrong, say some things and share SOME information but thatā€™s it.

My guiding-principle in life is: I give all information on a need-to-know basis.

1 year ago

May Allah swt protect you and your loved ones. I wanted to ask and hope itā€™s not too personal but what is your favourite thing about married life?

1 year ago
Reply to  Anon

Ameen ameem! Thank you so much for the duas

And I guess the best part of marriage is always being excited to come home. When I was single, I only ever used to get that feeling when I was at work, but now I feel this way even when Iā€™m enjoying myself or on holiday with friends.

Nothing is better than knowing that when you get home, there is someone who is just waiting to see you too. And if anything, even more excited than you. Itā€™s not just that I have someone to come home to, but the fact that it is someone that loves me and cares for me the same way I love and care about them. Just knowing that he will be there when I get home has helped me get through some very bad days. Alhamdulilah Iā€™m truly grateful to have a best friend and husband in one person.

1 year ago

I caught my husband cheating via social media dms, he flirted with a woman in a sexual tone before our wedding nearly 4 years ago. When I caught him he cried profusely and apologized and shared some deeply held secrets with me. I eventually found it in my heart to forgive him but itā€™s been 4 years and a daughter later and I still think about that sometimes. Heā€™s gone off the grid in terms of social media, heā€™s been a remarkable husband and has treated me so well. Heā€™s attentive, loving, he listens, provides for me financially & allows me to spend freely, although he canā€™t cook he regularly helps me clean, grocery shop, take our daughter to the dr etc. He massages my feet regularly even after a long day of working & surprises me with gifts etc. I say this to illustrate how he treats me. He set my face ID on his phone to establish trust between us and has relatively lived a really quiet married life with me. But I canā€™t help but sometimes remember the hurt I felt 3 years ago. I loved him so much, and I love him so much more now as my husband and father to our child but itā€™s different, my trust isnā€™t 100% and Iā€™m afraid it will never be. Sometimes out of insecurity I pick fights, especially when I expect him to ā€œmake a moveā€ and he doesnā€™t my mind immediately jumps to he must not be attracted to me anymore and I remember what happened before our nuptials. I love him so much but I sometimes wonder if I made the right decision. I havenā€™t been able to share this with anyone and itā€™s actually the first time I have ever admitted these feelings to myself. Please help, how do I overcome this

1 year ago
Reply to  Anon

Awwwww, I really appreciate your vulnerability and I can imagine how daunting it is to say this out loud.

If your question is whether I think couples can move on from cheating, specifically in the cases where its happened before marriage/nikkah ā€“ then yes.

In fact, itā€™s probably the only way Iā€™d believe a couple could actually move on. Mainly because relationships before marriage arenā€™t recognised from an Islamic perspective, so some people might not take those relationships seriously. With that said, how they act afterwards would of course determine whether they would likely do it again.

It does however take A LOT of work on both sides. Of course youā€™re going to deal with bouts of insecurity, resentment etc. Your partner is going to have to accept that and keep showing up. And yes there will be some resentment from his side, because for him it might feel like heā€™s demonstrated the ability to be faithful and honest again and again. But you still may not be ready to move on.

There needs to be communication between you regularly about where youā€™re at with trust. With that said, I do believe when someone has demonstrated over a period of years after youā€™ve forgiven them, that they have truly stuck to their words.. Then for your own sake, its best to let go.

You have described him as a remarkable husband, for that reason I donā€™t personally think youā€™ve made a bad decision. Alhamdulilah it has worked out, I guess people wonā€™t understand but its not for me or anyone else to judge. We also donā€™t know what other peopleā€™s relationships are like so donā€™t compare your situation to theirs, especially because for the most part, you guys sound like a very happy family to me. And May Allah swt continue that and protect that happiness for you.

1 year ago


Iā€™ve just started a wedding coordinator/ planning business and as soon as Iā€™ve told people close to me or friends theyā€™ve started to pull faces and start Indirecting me or just acting fake like you can tell they are not happy
Iā€™m just like wowww people really are so evil
Like what have I done to you apart from start a business and youā€™re here pulling faces

1 year ago
Reply to  Anon

And Thank you my love šŸ˜€ I’m so happy to be back yaay!!

Stop telling people your dreams

Having dreams and aspirations make people jealous and envious, it doesnā€™t matter if they are your friends or family. These are the moments you actually find out who wants the best for you and who does not. For some people, hearing someone execute their plans and put it into motion is triggering for them. Because it makes lets them realise they aren’t pursuing anything for themselves. They of course, are not real friends.

This happens all the time throughout life. People will try to convince that whatever you do isn’t worth it in attempts to demoralise you and get you to remain stagnant like them. Because then that way, you wonā€™t make them uncomfortable. The only thing I can say to you really is, if this is what you want to do ā€“ then you need to develop a very strong will power and thicker skin. Silence and patience are the two strongest things that help you grow. So yeah ā€œlet your actions speak louder than wordsā€ should be the attitude you adopt moving forward

Success would speak for itself of course, you won’t have to

Last edited 1 year ago by Lulu
1 year ago

Hey sis

I was chatting to this guy and we got along so well! Weā€™re from two different cities and ethnicities but we got along amazing and the vibes were thereeee and the energy was reciprocated however I was chatting to him whilst I was getting to know the person Iā€™m with currently so I was juggling them both The thing is things turned bad with the person I was with so I started to lean towards him again
Iā€™m with the whole chat to as many as you want till youā€™re married thing
Then I abruptly cut him off without giving him an explanation which I know hurt him definitely
I ended it with the person I was with as he was toxic and all over the place
So I tried to reach out to the other person but he changed his number however socials are still the same – would it be wrong for me to reach out just as a friend thing nothing more?

1 year ago
Reply to  Anon

You know damn well you’re not trying to reach out just “as a friend”


1 year ago

hey sis, love what ur doin here <3 , Iā€™ve found myself heartbroken as the person iā€™ve been speaking to for 7 months, we just sort of stopped talking and I tried to message them a couple times, The convo would flow and everything but we would go right back to not speaking & me being me- ive already swallowrd
my pride couple times, I canā€™t do it longer bcos imma feel like ur taking me fi idiat
But i cannot seem to let this person go, Iā€™m constantly making dua for Allah to bring us back together in a Halal way & To make him good for me
But iā€™m also discouraged because if my soulmate has been written for me even before I was born then I should have Tawakul, faith in Allahā€™s plan.
Iā€™ve tried to move on but itā€™s proving very difficult as I feel as if He is for me but I donā€™t want to waste my time on someone who may not even be for me.
we stopped talking a long while ago and I compare every guy to him.
I just miss him so much, idk what to do

1 year ago
Reply to  Anon

I like to look at situations from an easier and actual fair perspective. And the best way to do it is by asking ourselves questions.

Do you want to be around a person that does not want to be around you?

You are not the first or the last person who has been treated this way by this specific person. All people decide what would be the best way to handle a situation. They consider the options and then decide the best way to accomplish their goal. And not everyone will choose to be upfront and honest unfortunately.

Choosing to gradually ghost someone for any reason is not a kind action, and quite certainly is not something a real man would do. I think its quite clear the message heā€™s sending to you and that is: he is not interested in maintaining any kind of relationship with you, which is probably why heā€™s letting you do all the leg work here. I really do hate when men do that, itā€™s such a coward thing to do. But alas, canā€™t stop a pussio from being a pussio.

Of course this has meant something to you. And that means you are a person with genuine sensitivities. Youā€™re absolutely right, having patience and faith is important. Let go and donā€™t let him waste any more of your time.

1 year ago

First of all, Iā€™m so glad you decided to bring the sister guide back!! I feel like I learn so much from thisšŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•

You mentioned ā€œhow people treat you is dependent on your weightā€. Could you explain this a bit more? How did people treat you when you were bigger vs smaller?

1 year ago
Reply to  Anon

Iā€™m so glad you feel that way!

And honestly, people really do treat you differently when you are bigger unfortunately. Itā€™s not just because you are lacking confidence, although it could be a part of it. Some people lose weight and still feel bad about their body but I would still say they are treated better. Thereā€™s really a ton of evidence suggesting people are treated differently according to their weight. I feel like itā€™s important to acknowledge that.

My experience was very similar. I mean pretty privilege doesnā€™t really do much for you when youā€™re bigger. At best youā€™ll get a backhanded compliment like ā€œyour face is so prettyā€ ā€“ yeah but what about the rest of me looool??

At one point after my surgery, I was sooo swollen hands/feet everything, at that point Iā€™d probably already gained like 30lbs so shit wasnā€™t looking good. Baggy clothes, the whole lot. And I felt INVISIBILE. The way people treat you outside, omg. I pretty sure one uncle even tried to run me over because he thought me standing next to his car meant I looked suspicious looool (I’m not even joking). It made me sick. But yooo, when you meet new people? I went from people automatically knowing I was the life of the party to the funny friend. I mean, I had already decided way before that once I was given the all clear to get back to physical activity, Iā€™m hitting the gym. But yeah those experiences made me want to get back even more. Iā€™m sorry, I canā€™t change the world but I can change my experiences, and if that also results in me being physically healthy? Great.

And itā€™s almost scary how quickly I went back to those positive experiences again pre weight gain once I lost the 50lbs. But If Iā€™m being completely honest, seeing those differences in treatment left a real bitter taste in my mouth. Because it feels fake and conditional regardless if what Iā€™m getting now is positive experiences, if that makes sense?

1 year ago

Hi sis! Hope youā€™re doing well.
I have a situation that I would like to get ur opinion on. Long story short I like my guy friend and my feelings for him has been there for a few years, it comes and goes. I havenā€™t spoken to him for a few months and randomly I started thinking about him the other week and all the feelings came right back up. I wanted to message him but I held myself since I feel like Iā€™m always distracted myself when it comes to him. Anyway, he randomly posted on his insta a picture of him with a girl which I am guessing is their honeymoon. I didnā€™t message him but Iā€™m so heartbroken. I canā€™t help but think about the what ifs. Any tips to move forward and forget about him? I feel like Iā€™m never going to find another guy that I had the same connection with like him. We even promised to marry each at a certain age if we didnā€™t find anyone which sounds pathetic now. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

1 year ago
Reply to  Anon

Awwwwww, itā€™s okay. I mean yes it does sound silly, but listen it is what it is. If anything next time youā€™ll know to make your move instead of not seizing the moment.

And moving on is just all up to you.

The cure for situations like this is just time. Lots and lots of time. Do other things, talk to different people, see if there is anyone else that catches your eye. Youā€™ll find there probably will be ones that do catch your eye, you just need to be more open to these kind of things

Last edited 1 year ago by Lulu